Strawberry Full Moon - June 2022
Welcome to the Full Moon in June 2022 - Also known as the Strawberry Moon...
The full moon this month is also known as the strawberry moon and it's believed it was named as this is the time of the year when strawberries are ripe in the Northern Hemisphere - namely in Canada and the Northern Eastern States.
The full moon this month falls into Sagittarius and this year it's a Super Moon!!! This means that it will appear larger in the sky than normal as the distance between the moon and earth will be closer...if it's a clear night where you live - it should be an amazing sight to see. This is our second Super Moon of 2022.
Sagittarius is a Fire sign; fire signs are commonly associated with warmth but also with impulsiveness. Pride, the ego and machismo are also synonymous with a fire sign. So this moon is a call to's time to shake off the wunderlust and take action. That trip you've wanted to take, it might be time to book it...but watch for the impulsivity aspect...balance decisions with a pre-meditative thoughtful air.
How can you celebrate this full moon? Why not go to a pick-your-own strawberry farm and enjoy the sweet gifts that Mother Nature provides at this time of the year. Take some time with family/friends and bake something new using strawberries. Get out into nature and allow nature to calm your impulsiveness before making decisions.
As with all full moons (except full moons on an eclipse), now is the time to set intentions to remove or reduce something in your life...integrate some red/pink or even real strawberries into your rituals...
In love and light.